Factory of fun

Custom event: FACTORY OF FUN

4 min

Due to the introduction of a new vision and purpose of the company, the key message of the event was “Bringing fun into every home”.

Client: International IT company; 300 participants

Event: a two-day team event for all employees

The company recently introduced a new vision and purpose, which it wanted to convey to employees through the event. The aim of the event was to present the vision and purpose on the basis of corporate values, and at the same time show to all employees that they work in one of the best companies in their industry. The company has run several above-standard team events in the past and one of the challenges was to put together an event that is even better than the previous ones.

The goal
With the introduction of a new vision and purpose of the company, the key message of the event was “Bringing fun into every home”.

We advised the client that, according to the new vision, the event should be based on emotions. We therefore looked for the location in the least affluent part of Slovenia, where the participants made toys and then donated them through local charities to disadvantaged children in the region. The message "Bringing fun into every home" was handed over in physical form to those who need it most. We have prepared a unique active team program Factory of Fun.

In the morning, participants in small teams made 23 different types of toys. Simulating a production line and doing physical work with their hands was something completely different than what participants do in the everyday business world. In addition to fun and efficient teamwork, the production lines also simulated various platforms on which the company now placed its IT products. The result of the work was more than 200 toys, which were later received under a large Christmas tree as a Christmas present by children from socially disadvantaged families, and some didactic toys found their place in kindergartens.

The afternoon part of the event was of a relaxed team nature, where participants were able to choose from 18 different team activities, which they attended as desired. The day ended with a themed evening party.

The result
In addition to the extremely well-received charitable note by the employees, the event successfully supported the introduction of a new vision and purpose. The program emphasized the right messages and intertwined them with a strong emotional note, which further deepened the commitment of the participants.

Notes: The event was strongly supported by internal communication even before the implementation. Therefore, we shot a promotional video in which one of the employees played the role of director, inviting co-workers to work in the new factory. With the human resources department, we have opened applications on the Internet for pre-determined new jobs - from manufacturers of simple to complex toys. This promotion greatly raised expectations and group dynamics even before the event itself.

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Factory of fun

Custom event: FACTORY OF FUN

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